How a 14-Year Old Boy Earned almost $1,000 from His Website

He was Rob, a 14-year old, high school student, who was already making a name for himself in online marketing. He was into music, arts, poetry, YouTube videos, and blogging. He had blogged about almost anything under the sun.

From his website, he had earned good income from affiliate marketing and other ventures. But it was not the amount that he had in mind. He wanted more earnings.

At his young age, he wanted to become a problogger, a term applied to blogging professionals, who could earn thousands of dollars from their websites.

He wanted to be one of them. It was expected that he would soon become one because his knowledge had surpassed even those of adult bloggers; some consulted him often about their websites.

However, he knew that there was still something lacking on his own website.

“You’ve got to focus more on your studies,” his father reminded him one day, when they were out for a picnic. “Your grade has gotten lower; stop blogging for a while son.”

“But Dad, I have to man my site daily,” Rob reasoned out. “I need the money for my miscellaneous expenses.”

“You can’t do both. It’s just too much workload for you,” Rob’s father insisted. “I’ll give you your allowance.”

That Tuesday, Rob stayed silent for most of the day, preoccupied with his own thoughts. What would be his next move? What would he do?

He was, absentmindedly, browsing some websites in his laptop, when his eyes fell on a website that offered the services of Live Chat Agents. His pulses quickened, and he sat up straight. There was also a 15-day free trial, and free software that come with the Live Agent services.

It was a goldmine he couldn’t refuse!

Without much ado, he talked to the Live Agent and expressed his desire to avail of the services. The Agent passed on his intention to the staff concerned and within a few hours, the account manager had contacted him about more information on his website and business.

They were meticulous, and Rob liked that. It meant they were wary to commit mistakes, and they knew what they were doing. He was all the more bent on enlisting their services.

Rob had thought that it would take at least two weeks or a month to set-up the Live Chat services. But to his surprise, after a day or two, the Live Chat App was already running on his website.

Now, I can leave the Agents to interact with my online clients, while I concentrate on my studies. Rob smiled to himself.

It was an excellent arrangement that Rob’s Dad had no choice but to approve the plan. With the Live Chat Agents, Rob had shot two birds with one stone.

He knew his son was earning enough that it would be a waste of money if his business was neglected, but on the other hand, he didn’t want his only son to discontinue his education – just because he wanted to earn money.

“The Live Chat App has lent an elegant look to your website,” Rob’s Dad stated while they were having breakfast.

“Yes Dad. With the Agents manning my site, I was able to concentrate more on my studies,” Rob was thankful that such innovations can be relied on.

He categorically ‘left’ the website on the hands of the Live Agents. They were managing the website for him, while he attended to his studies, which was his primary priority.

The Live Agents contacted him whenever there were financial concerns and important leads. He was only 14, but he was their boss.

From the time the Live Chat was installed, his website visitors increased in number, and so did his clients. His earnings steadily increased through the Pay-Per-View (PPV), CPC ads and other affiliate marketing strategies.

He was selling his own products too, such as his paintings, his compositions, and his Internet applications. At times, someone would purchase a customized poem for a loved one or a friend.

No one had expected what would happen next. On that fateful day, the Live Chat Agents were kept busy as his 300-word post – about spoiled meat – went viral. His post got around 40,000 unique views.

Rob couldn’t believe it at first as the online visitor tracker went crazy and kept jingling, “Caching…Caching.”

The money started to pour in into his account, and after the end of the day, he earned almost a $1,000 – $994.26 – to be exact. It was a new high-earning day for him.

Installing the Live Chat has indeed helped him a lot in managing his time and in bringing in the dough. Before the installation of the Live Chat, he had never earned that much.

His dad was astounded when Rob informed him about his earnings. His son was only 14 years old but he was already netting that much. He was unable to hide his admiration for his son when he hugged him and placed an arm around his lean shoulders.

“Congratulations, son! That’s quite an achievement,” his proud father declared.

The next days that ensued were busy, because Rob was preparing for his final exams. He was no longer worrying about his website due to the fact that the Agents have been manning it properly and efficiently.

Because of this, he was able to move up in his academic rank in the class, while still in touch with what was happening every day on his website. The Agents had kept him abreast about new leads and prospective clients.

The day he earned almost a thousand dollars made him aware that making big money can happen with the right factors.

His earnings from that day forward were lower than $1000 but they were still substantial compared to his previous earnings and the earnings of the other sites.

Rob knew that the superb earnings of his website that day would be duplicated again, and may even be more – when the correct factors come together anew.

He was thankful for the Live Agents, who had helped him concentrate on his studies, while simultaneously attending to his website. He would surely use their services for a very, very long time.