For Lawyers: Increase Your Clients Using a Live Chat App on Your Website

For Lawyers: Increase Your Clients Using a Live Chat App on Your Website

Are you a lawyer who wants to expand and boost his earnings? If you are, there’s a simple way to do it: create your own website and install a Live Chat App.

Accomplishing these two steps will be the start of a new world for you, where your earnings would increase significantly.

To embark on this endeavor, here are the steps that you can do.

Step #1 – Create your website
You may either choose a free or paid site. This would depend on your finances. But a paid site is best because you are free to display your products and services on your site.

Creating a website is easy. You can do this within minutes by following the instructions given by the hosting company.

Purchase your domain name and your hosting service, and select the theme of your website. Then, you can write your first post. Remember to click publish. Make certain that your theme and post are related to your profession as a lawyer.

Even the design and template of your website must be customized to one that is suitable for a lawyer.

Step #2 – Visit Help Desk 247
Visit Help Desk 247 and sign up for the 15-day free trial for its Live Chat services. The account manager will talk to you about your website. You have to provide the essential data about your business, so that the Chat Agents could be trained accordingly.

You may want to provide some common legal terms that the Chat Agents ought to know. Bear in mind that your field of discipline is different from others. Hence, you may want to write an outline of all the basic legal information that the Live Chat Agent must learn.

Step #3 – Help Desk Installs the Live Chat service on your website
Help Desk 257 will install the Chat software for free, and will provide the well-trained Live Chat Agents for your website. You are supposed to buy the software from other companies, but Help Desk would provide it for free. That’s how they value their clients.

This would be a wonderful gift to you as a new online entrepreneur. You shouldn’t let it slip by. Don’t miss this opportunity. You have nothing to lose, anyway.

Step #4 – Dry Run your website and the Chat App
You can now pilot test your website with the Chat services. Obviously, there may be a few visitors because no one knows yet of the existence of your site.

On the day of the pilot testing, you may want to advertise your website on your social media accounts. Inform your family and friends of your opening. Post the link of your site clearly so that other users can see it.

You can enlist your website on Search Engines too, so that they will include it during their searches.

Step #5 – Coordinate with the Chat Agents
You may want to ask the Chat Agents if they had any problems during the dry run. Take note that Help Desk 247 Agents consider your business their business, and they consider you their boss. So, feel free to voice out your suggestions and comments.

You may want to contact the dedicated account manager for his input. He’s responsible in training and managing the Live Agents.

Step #6 – Institute modifications based on results of the dry run
From the dry run, you may want to institute some modifications to improve the process. Keep in mind that it’s still the adjustment process. Nevertheless, trust the Chat Agents because they have been intensively trained to respond properly to your clients.

They have been taught how to identify potential customers and to engage them so that they would, in time, be converted to buyers or customers.

Step #7 – Allow the Chat Agent to man your website
After the account manager has trained the Live Agents based on the information you provided, you can now relax and trust the agent to manage your site. Take some time off and rest.

Don’t worry. The Agent will contact you instantly when she discovers a lead. Beforehand, you would be given choices on how the Agent can contact you. You may opt to be contacted through phone or via email.

You have also the privilege to choose how often the Agent will contact you about the leads. Will it be every time she finds a lead? Or will it be once a day, twice a day, or once in two days? It’s up to you.

Step #8 – Enjoy your Live Chat services
Yes, you should enjoy the excellent advantages of your Live Chat services – for free. That is for the first 15-day trial period. Help Desk 247 is up front with its charges. There are no hidden charges, and the services are as good as advertised.

Any time you want to cancel your trial run, you can do so, without any questions asked. But if you want to continue with these good benefits, you can select from the 4 monthly plans.

For as low as $99 per month, you can continue using the Chat services. For more payment options, you can visit Help Desk 247’s website.

With a Live Agent on your website, you can spend quality time with your family and let the Agent manage your site efficiently, while you wine and dine.

Apparently, you can attend to your hearings and court trials, while your Chat Agent engages more visitors on your website.


As a lawyer, you may want to increase your clients and your earnings as well. You can do this by following the steps provided above. The steps are easy to implement.

When these steps are accomplished, you would certainly be ahead of your colleagues. Work smartly by delegating your work and allowing the Live Agents to do their tasks.

You would be happy to learn later on that your website visitors stayed longer on your website because of your Live Agent’s expert conversational skills.