We do a fair assumption based on the average visitors a typical business similar to your gets. We suggest you to a buy a package based on that. For most businesses we service the basic packages are ideal. If we feel or notice that you are getting too many chats for a particular package, we will advice you to upgrade. You will never be charged for any overage. We won’t surprise you. At that point it’s totally unto you to continue with the new suggested package or cancel with no obligation. We want this to be a win-win for all of us.
Our Starter package is ideal for a business that has 1 website, while standard package is more suited for a business having 2 websites. If you own 5 websites, you can avail our Premium package. For businesses that have more than 5 websites, enterprise package is recommended.
Note: To get an estimate if you have less than 500 chats a month our Starter or Standard package will work for you. If you have between 500 to 1000 chats we would suggest you to sign up for our Premium package. If you have other requirements you can always ask for a custom quote.